We are delighted to welcome The King’s School, Tudor House, as the latest outstanding educator to add ABE Endorsed KidsMBA to its curriculum. Tudor House is also the first school in Australia to introduce KidsMBA, further increasing the global reach of this unique and innovative programme.
The School has a strong focus on the challenges today’s students will face as tomorrow’s leaders. Its aim is to provide a progressive curriculum which nurtures and develops children as caring, active participants in lifelong learning.
These principles align perfectly with the ethos and skills developed by KidsMBA. Through role-play, discussion and interactive activities, the programme encourages young people to find creative solutions, develop self-confidence and leadership skills, presentation skills and the ability to share ideas in a persuasive and engaging manner, all the while, developing a foundation of entrepreneurial thinking which can be nurtured throughout school life.
“The students of Tudor House are known for their resourcefulness, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and the KidsMBA provides an opportunity to formalise their learning about enterprise and innovative thinking.” Adam Larby, Head of Tudor House
More information about The King’s School, Tudor House can be found here
More information about ABE Endorsed KidsMBA can be found here
Membership offer from The Institute of Leadership
Our parent company, The Institute of Leadership (IoL) is offering ABE graduates, from Level 5 upwards, the opportunity to become an Institute Member at a price exclusively for ABE qualification holders. Read more.