Future Entrepreneur of the Year

future entrepreneur

Future Entrepreneur of the Year

An international competition for young entrepreneurs.


Future Entrepreneur of the Year is an international competition for young entrepreneurs.

All schools that run the KidsMBA programme can put forward their top students or teams against other young entrepreneurs from across the world. This further supports the global citizenship aspect of the KidsMBA programme. It’s a remarkable accomplishment for the winner or winning team which they can add to their CV.

It's also a prestigious title for the winning school and adds a fantastic element of excitement and fun to the pitching process. Particularly as the winner receives a $1,000 prize!

The judging criteria

The competition is independently judged by a panel of international business experts.

The business name and idea needs to have been thought of by the entrant, and all aspects of the presentation should be their own work. Students should not copy existing organisations although they can come from everyday sectors.

Judges will be looking for:

  • A strong business idea
  • A good marketing plan and slogan
  • A realistic evaluation of costs, pricing, competition and the market opportunity
  • An overall demonstration of business understanding

The entrants must be under 16 - their age will be taken into account.

The prize

The winner or winning team will receive $1000 prize money, as well as hold the 'Future Entrepreneur of the Year' title and be given a trophy and certificate. The runner-up will receive a cash prize of $500, and all finalists will be presented with a trophy. The winner or winning team will receive $1000 prize money

The winner's school will also receive a trophy and have use of the 'Future Entrepreneur winner ' logo. And, of course, will be included in all post-competition publicity.

Entrepreneurship will help the next generation seize the opportunities provided by both new technologies and globalisation. Providing access to the quality entrepreneurship education offered by KidsMBA will show how your school is doing everything necessary to produce young people who are productive, innovative, and adaptable to whatever the future economy might hold.

KidsMBA at Belmont, Mill Hill Prep School

KidsMBA at Belmont, Mill Hill Prep School case study

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KidsMBA Programme at KHULA Education, South Africa

KHULA Education is making great strides in their work, as stated by Debbie Heustice, Director at KHULA Education.

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What it feels like to be the Future Entrepreneur of the Year

The holder of the 2022 Future Entrepreneur of the Year title is Asia Sylvester from Trinidad and Tobago.

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ABE Endorsed KidsMBA: report from Umubano Academy, Rwanda

Umubano Academy completed the ABE Endorsed KidsMBA in October 2019 with 49 students. The course was delivered two modules at a time over eight consecutive days.

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