School report on ABE Endorsed KidsMBA at CTS College

CTS College in Trinidad and Tobago introduced ABE Endorsed KidsMBA in June 2020.  Originally the plan had been to run face to face classes but COVID-19 meant the entire course had to be delivered remotely.   Here is the feedback we received from tutor,  Jenelle Alexander-Ramkissoon, and the story of the impact the programme had one young participant.

Following the first session, tutor Jenelle Alexander-Ramkissoon, told us, "I was totally blown away by the participation, engagement, skills set, presentation skills, confidence and articulation of these young minds. I felt honoured being a part of this venture. The programme was delivered through Zoom and was just as engaging and interactive as face-to-face classes... the breakout room feature supported sharing of ideas and knowledge in smaller groups.

The second cohort started on Monday, July 6th and all I can say is that our future looks bright as this upcoming generation can transform the way we do things.”

Proof that Jenelle’s confidence in her young students was not misplaced is evidenced by an article in that appeared a just a short time later in the Trinidad & Tobago Newsday, with the headline ‘K’den, 11, has an ‘MBA’, makes masks and sell face shields’.  The story picked up on how a KidsMBA graduate, K’den, was using his newfound skills, such as an ability to read markets, adapt and manage supplies, with the confidence to start up a successful social enterprise.  He said, “I liked the course because it taught me the whole idea of creating a business. The name of the business is Click For Anything. I wasn't sure what to sell so I said we can sell everything, so that's the name.”

Whilst not all children who do the ABE Endorsed KidsMBA programme will immediately become internet entrepreneurs, studies have shown that when entrepreneurial education is provided to secondary school student, it helps them engage with other school subjects and provides a host of longer term benefits including higher average lifelong earnings and reduced risk of being unemployed later in life.

Read K’den’s Newsday story here.