ABE launches new prospectus for 2022

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new ABE Prospectus for 2022.   The prospectus is designed to give prospective learners, thinking about their future and the kind of qualification that might help them, a thorough overview of ABE, our offer and the philosophy behind our qualifications. 

We have needed to produce this because, over the last few years, there have been so many changes and innovations at ABE - we have had to add extra pages to fit them all in!  Recent advances range from the introduction of our amazing membership package, ABE Edge, to our new assessment strategy (based around assignments and timed open-book exams).  More than ever before, ABE assessments help learners develop the solution-based critical thinking that is needed in today's fast-changing world. The new prospectus is also a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our learners and alumni around the world.  We hope you enjoy the read.