Around the world in 8 days

There’s always lots going on at ABE and the last couple of weeks have been no exception, here’s a small snapshot of just some of our activities across the globe…

Jamaica anniversary

Jamaica hosted a spectacular #ABE50 anniversary celebration at the Four Seasons Hotel with guests including leaders in education, the media and alumni.  ABE director Kereesa Carrington-Nunez also talked on breakfast TV show Smile Jamaica and met the Overseas Examination Council during her visit.



Anniversary Kenya

Kenya was next with ABE Kenya Manager Bonface Kamau and Kereesa sharing their industry expertise on Radio 44’s The Morning Fix.  This was followed by a spectacular #ABE50 celebration attended by local dignitaries, including Hon Flora Mbetsa Chbule, Ambassador Tegla Loroupe and Mr Ndungu Nyoro of Watoti Wasome Affecto Foundation.   UN Sustainable Development Goals were a strong focus of the event, after which Kereesa said, “An awe-inspiring evening but I left with a sense of duty and responsibility. The weight of the work ahead is heavy. But we all understand that pressure is indeed a privilege!” #ABEway.  This was followed by Kereesa and Bonface back in the media sharing their expertise on KTN News. 

Click here to see pictures from the Kenya #ABE50 celebration

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world things were busy in Sri Lanka, as ABE Manager Praveen Mahendra was setting up the stand for a hectic two-day Life Education Fair Exhibition.  A prestigious event that brought together all the country’s leading international education providers.

Finally, in South East Asia, new ABE centre Mayfield Myanmar Institute hosted a superb ABE launch event.  The speakers included ABE’s regional director, Suren Verma, plus student loan information from the Myanmar Citizens Bank.








More activities are going on so look out for an ABE event near you.

#ABE50 #Jamaica #Kenya #SriLanka #Myanmar #ABEway