We are sad to announce the passing of ABE’s founder, Lyndon Jones

Lyndon Jones

ABE’s founder Lyndon Jones passed peacefully on 20th February 2023. 

Lyndon set up ABE in 1973 with the objective of providing good quality business education wherever it was needed.  He remained at the organisation’s helm as Chief Executive for over forty years, continuing to work and travel well into his eighties.

During his long tenure, Lyndon met literally thousands of students and was a truly inspirational figure. There are many ABE-qualified leaders around the world who cite an early meeting with Lyndon as part of their journey. 

Rob May, ABE’s Chief Executive said, “I’m sure that Lyndon would be very proud of what ABE has become and his legacy lives on in a thriving ABE which continues to change lives daily all over the world”.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Lyndon’s family at this difficult time.