Thet Myat Noe Oo completed her ABE Level 5 course and now seeking an internship that will allow her to apply her knowledge in the real world. She enjoys ABE's efficient syllabus and flexible assignment submissions. Read her full story below:
'I am Thet Myat Noe Oo. I was born in Myanmar and currently living in Yangon. My parents have their own business which includes ordering car body parts from China and distributing them around the country. I have two younger brothers and they are still in high school. I am currently focusing on my academic degree and seeking an internship to polish my theoretical knowledge by learning from the real organisational culture and workforce.
After I completed my ACCA applied knowledge modules, I wanted to explore my knowledge in the overall business management field instead of focusing on one sector. Then I started researching which course could provide me with the knowledge that I would like to achieve. ABE courses and modules were fascinating and aligned with my interests. This is why I decided to study with ABE.
I did the ABE level 5 course at WEBS University in Myanmar.
I am seeking an internship where I can apply my knowledge in the workforce and gain experience. In the future, I am hoping to enrol in the ABE level 6 course to enhance my skills in higher education.
I enjoy the efficient syllabus that ABE provides to us. They are easy to understand and not time-consuming to get the key concepts. Furthermore, the assignments submission period is flexible, so I don’t feel under pressure and calmly generate ideas to write the assignments and OBE exams.
I have gained valuable knowledge of organisational culture and its systems. As we have to apply these theories to the current local or international organisations, its wides my perspectives on global business as well.
I don’t usually rely on one study resource instead I do a lot of research and collect information from multiple sources. It enhances my knowledge and ability to think from various points of view. Then I modify those opinions to combine them with my ideas, create better solutions, and apply them to real businesses.
I would like to be the one who could make a difference and a successful impact in the organisation that I work for. I desire to become the one in the strategic position to make the key decisions for the company. To implement my goals, I have to enhance my skills and knowledge to step further forward.''