ABE's Director of Africa Kereesa Carrington-Nunez kicked off a regional tour by visiting Mauritius. Here she spent time with many ABE centre partners. Her week's visit culminated with a meet-and-greet cocktail evening attended by ABE centres, ABE ambassador Selveena Parmanum, industry leaders from ABE's alumni, universities, the regulatory authority the MAQ, as well as ABE friends and well-wishers.
In recent times ABE has gone from strength to strength in Mauritius and judging by the warm reception Kereesa received during her time on the island this is set to continue. She says, "ABE's social event last night was INSPIRATIONAL. Our stakeholders lauded our efforts so thank you to the champions of ABE in Mauritius. Your culture is as lovely as your beaches."
Here are some pictures from her visit.
Don't forget, if you're a recent ABE graduate don't forget to sign up for the graduation ceremony on 22 October - read more here.

Membership offer from The Institute of Leadership
Our parent company, The Institute of Leadership (IoL) is offering ABE graduates, from Level 5 upwards, the opportunity to become an Institute Member at a price exclusively for ABE qualification holders. Read more.