Doreen chose ABE to help her gain the skills to become a chartered marketer before opening her own business. She says, "The March assignment was a tough paper for me as it was my first time writing an assignment but, with the help of the assignment style guide, I managed. To my surprise, it is the same paper that made me win a Top Paper Award!" Here's her story:
"I am from Kasungu District Traditional Authority Lukwa. I'm second born in a family of five children, all girls. I did my primary school at Chank Honzi and my secondary school at Chilanga. I obtained my Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) in 2017 at Chiphaso Catholic Secondary school. After that, in 2020 I went on to study Business Management and Marketing at the University of Malawi Management Development Center with ABE. I am fortunate to have the support of my parents and relatives in all my studies. They are my strength, guide and nourishment to be a better individual.
I chose to study with ABE because I wanted a better understanding of the business world. I want to broaden my knowledge in all aspects of marketing and business management and ABE provides all of that. It also provides reading resources that are simple to understand, which helped me to be successful in my studies.
The March assignment was a tough paper for me as it was my first time writing an assignment, but with the help of the assignment style guide, I managed. To my surprise, it is the same paper that made me win a Top Paper
Award! It is important to use the study guides provided by ABE, attend all lectures and follow all assignment instructions carefully.
ABE offers excellent tertiary education. It equips learners with relevant skills that helps them work in different fields without struggle and makes companies or organisations more successful
The best thing about ABE is that, it is a practical course, it allows learners to research and imagine yourself in a certain situation, this helps you to have more understanding of things required in the course. Now I know how to handle issues that arise in different situations, ABE has helped me to have commercial awareness skills and team working skills.
My long term plan is to work as a chartered marketer for a few years then I will start my business, open new markets for my products and introduce new marketing strategies in Malawian industries."